Following the somewhat weird encounter posing for the group of students in the cold dimly lit pub in Manchester my next modelling session shortly after was quite more normal

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One of my first e-mails, when I was looking for chances, was to a group run by the WEA near Chester and after a while the coach came back to me and asked me if I could do a session for her on a Wednesday afternoon beginning at 1:00 and running through to 4:00.
While nudist was quite happy to accept the request it did fairly concern me as to whether I had enough experience to fill that period of time with enough distinct poses given that this was a more proper and educational group than the preceding sessions I'd done.
beach freedom would then result in a short break to be followed by an individual seated pose lasting for the rest of the session of about 50 minutes.
This at least gave me a chance to think of what I should do and likewise an opportunity to test out a couple poses at home while timing myself to find out how long I could hold them. While naturist for the seated poses, the more dynamic standing poses can prove to be difficult and sometimes even painful with arms and or legs held in unusual locations for any period of time starting to hurt or cramp up.
So I turned up at the designated time on the day and confirmed the planned programme with the tutor and did the session as agreed. The artists, mainly women of a specific age, were all quite pleasant and were all very complimentary, which given that this was just my third session, gave me added confidence for the future.
Again I was very happy to agree but suddenly came to the realisation that in that intervening period I was really going to need to work out a lot more poses to fill those three hour sessions.
Luckily I had a number of art books and also scoured the internet to discover a good number different poses that I could use, so I managed to fill the sessions satisfactorily.
Since then I've been working with the tutor for this particular group on a regular basis and have posed for nearly twenty sessions. Luckily there has been naturist in the artists attending over that point so I've been able to repeat a number of the poses more or less as I initially performed them or with only minor variation.)